Upgrading the Fujitsu U2010 with a new 120GB SSD

Lately my Fujitsu U2010 was running low on disk space. Having already maxed out the SD card slot with a 32 GB SD card, the only way to go was to replace the internal ZIF-PATA drive. The first generation 64 GB Samsung SSD that I moved from my previous U810 to the new U2010 (see here) is no speed demon but a very reliable and robust performer featuring SLC flash memory. Naturally, I was looking for a faster, bigger and cheaper replacement drive. There are some more 1.8″ 128 GB ZIF drives available, most of them are MLC-based drives well over the 300 Euro price range. I came across a pretty cheap drive produced by a company called Mach Xtreme Technology, a newcomer in the storage segment. The MX-NANO ZIF 120 GB model (MXSSD1MNANOZ-120G) is available here in Germany at several online retailers priced at around 200 Euros. Not cheap compared to a speedy SATA SSD drive, but inexpensive in terms of how uncommon and rare this form factor is. And of course the drive is way cheaper than what I paid for the first-gen Samsung SSD back in 2008. :)
The Eastwho EWS720A controller used in the drive seems to be a solid performer with very good performance figures for what is possible in terms of the old PATA interface. The drive uses 25nm Intel/Micron MLC flash memory (29F64G08CBAAA).
The big problem with this drive is the very unfortunate alignment of the ZIF socket. Unlike any other 1.8″-drive I came across, this drive has to be installed upside-down due to the idiosyncratically flipped ZIF socket. I can only assume this drive was mainly designed as replacement disk for the last-gen iPods or first-gen MacBook Airs. The drive per se will not fit into the Fujitsu U2010 without modification. This is probably true for a lot of other UMPC and netbook devices, too.
The only way to get the drive installed is to remove the metal enclosure. The flat-ribbon ZIF cable can not be twisted due to its length. Removing the enclosure will ultimately void the warranty as you will have to break the seal on it. That is a risk I am willing to take. Either way, I have been running the drive for more than a month now and had no problems whatsoever. Great performance compared to the old Samsung drive.
Below are some obligatory benchmark screenshots, though I have to mention that Eastwho states that their controllers are not benchmark-friendly due to the techniques they employ to ensure low access times.

2 thoughts on “Upgrading the Fujitsu U2010 with a new 120GB SSD

  1. Installed Windows 7 Ultimate on Fujitsu LifeBook u820/2010, but can’t get it to recognize CF slot. My Bios is 1.16; I’d like to upgrade to 1.2 or 1.22 but cannot find it aver\ilable anywhere. Might you be able to help?

  2. darussell1@att.net
    I have pretty much followed in your footsteps, and migrated from my trusty old u810 to the u2010 (FMV-Biblo LOOX u/C30) no idea what all that means. Anyway, although it came with Windows 10 loaded, I opted my move my u810 ZIF 64G drive over to the u2010. I bought the u2010 primarily for the battery, but discovered it didn’t function well in the U810, so now the u810 sits on my shelf. Long story short, I cannot seem to get the u2010 to recognize the CF slot. I’ve tried modifying the BIOS back and forth, alternating the LAN controller option, but w/o success. How about you? Can you offer any help?

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