RArray Class Reference

#include <e32cmn.h>

class RArray : private RArrayBase

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
RArray(TInt, TInt)
RArray(TInt, TInt, TInt)
RArray(TInt, T *, TInt)
TInt Append(const T &)
voidAppendL(const T &)
TArray< T >Array()
TInt Count()
TInt Find(const T &)
TInt Find(const T &, TIdentityRelation< T >)
TInt Find(const K &, TBool(*)(const K *k, const T &t))
TInt FindInOrder(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >)
TInt FindInOrder(const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T >)
TInt FindInOrder(const K &, TInt(*)(const K *k, const T &t))
TInt FindInOrderL(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >)
voidFindInOrderL(const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T >)
TInt FindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &)
TInt FindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &, TInt &)
TInt FindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &)
voidFindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &, TInt &)
TInt FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &)
TInt FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &, TInt &)
TInt FindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &)
voidFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &, TInt &)
TInt FindL(const T &)
TInt FindL(const T &, TIdentityRelation< T >)
TInt FindReverse(const T &)
TInt FindReverse(const T &, TIdentityRelation< T >)
TInt FindReverse(const K &, TInt(*)(const K *k, const T &t))
TInt FindReverseL(const T &)
TInt FindReverseL(const T &, TIdentityRelation< T >)
TInt Insert(const T &, TInt)
TInt InsertInOrder(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >)
TInt InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >)
voidInsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >)
voidInsertInOrderL(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >)
TInt InsertInSignedKeyOrder(const T &)
TInt InsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats(const T &)
voidInsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL(const T &)
voidInsertInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &)
TInt InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &)
TInt InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats(const T &)
voidInsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL(const T &)
voidInsertInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &)
voidInsertL(const T &, TInt)
TInt Reserve(TInt)
voidSort(TLinearOrder< T >)
TInt SpecificFindInOrder(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInOrder(const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInOrderL(const T &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt)
voidSpecificFindInOrderL(const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &, TInt &, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &, TInt)
voidSpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &, TInt &, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &, TInt &, TInt)
TInt SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &, TInt)
voidSpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &, TInt &, TInt)
const T &operator[](TInt)
T &operator[](TInt)
Inherited Functions
RArrayBase::Append(const TAny *)
RArrayBase::BinarySearch(const TAny *,TInt &,TGeneralLinearOrder)const
RArrayBase::BinarySearch(const TAny *,TInt &,TGeneralLinearOrder,TInt)const
RArrayBase::BinarySearchSigned(const TAny *,TInt &)const
RArrayBase::BinarySearchSigned(const TAny *,TInt &,TInt)const
RArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned(const TAny *,TInt &)const
RArrayBase::BinarySearchUnsigned(const TAny *,TInt &,TInt)const
RArrayBase::Find(const TAny *)const
RArrayBase::Find(const TAny *,TGeneralIdentityRelation)const
RArrayBase::FindIsq(const TAny *,TGeneralLinearOrder)const
RArrayBase::FindIsq(const TAny *,TGeneralLinearOrder,TInt)const
RArrayBase::FindIsqSigned(const TAny *)const
RArrayBase::FindIsqSigned(const TAny *,TInt)const
RArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned(const TAny *)const
RArrayBase::FindIsqUnsigned(const TAny *,TInt)const
RArrayBase::FindReverse(const TAny *)const
RArrayBase::FindReverse(const TAny *,TGeneralIdentityRelation)const
RArrayBase::GetCount(const CBase *)
RArrayBase::GetElementPtr(const CBase *,TInt)
RArrayBase::Insert(const TAny *,TInt)
RArrayBase::InsertIsq(const TAny *,TGeneralLinearOrder,TBool)
RArrayBase::InsertIsqSigned(const TAny *,TBool)
RArrayBase::InsertIsqUnsigned(const TAny *,TBool)
RArrayBase::RArrayBase(TInt,TAny *,TInt)

Detailed Description

A simple and efficient array of fixed length objects.

The elements of the array are instances of a class; this class is specified as the template parameter T.

The array offers standard array behaviour which includes insertion, appending and sorting of elements.


1. where possible, this class should be used in preference to CArrayFixFlat<classT>.

2. the derivation from RArrayBase is private.

3. for performance reasons, RArray stores objects in the array as word (4 byte) aligned quantities. This means that some member functions do not work when RArray is instantiated for classes of less than 4 bytes in size, or when the class's alignment requirement is not 4. Be aware that it is possible to get an unhandled exception on hardware that enforces strict alignment.

The affected functions are:

3.1 the constructor: RArray(TInt, T*, TInt)

3.2 Append(const T&)

3.3 Insert(const T&, TInt)

3.4 the [] operator, and then using the pointer to iterate through the array as you would with a C array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RArray ( )


Default C++ constructor.

This constructs an array object for an array of type class T objects with default granularity and key offset value. The default granularity is 8 and the defaul key offset value is zero.

Panic Codes
USER129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less than 640.

RArray ( TInt )

RArray(TIntaGranularity)[inline, explicit]

C++ constructor with granularity.

This constructs an array object for an array of type class T objects with a specified granularity and default key offset value. The default key offset value is zero.

aGranularityThe granularity of the array.
Panic Codes
USER129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less than 640.
USER127, if aGranularity is not positive or the product of this value and the size of class T is not less than 0x10000000.

RArray ( TInt, TInt )


C++ constructor with granularity and key offset.

This constructs an array object for an array of type class T objects with a specified granularity and a specified key offset value.

aGranularityThe granularity of the array.
aKeyOffsetThe key offset.
Panic Codes
USER129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less than 640.
USER127, if aGranularity is not positive or the product of this value and the size of class T is not less than 0x10000000.
USER128, if aKeyOffset is not positive, or is not less than the size of class T, or is not a multiple of 4.

RArray ( TInt, TInt, TInt )


C++ constructor with minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.

This constructs an array object for an array of class T objects with the specified minimum growth step and exponential growth factor.

aMinGrowByThe minimum growth step of the array. Must be between 1 and 65535 inclusive.
aKeyOffsetThe key offset.
aFactorThe factor by which the array grows, multiplied by 256. For example 512 specifies a factor of 2. Must be between 257 and 32767 inclusive.
Panic Codes
USER129, if the size of class T is not positive or is not less than 640.
USER128, if aKeyOffset is negative, or is not less than the size of class T, or is not a multiple of 4.
USER192, if aMinGrowBy<=0 or aMinGrowBy>65535.
USER193, if aFactor<=257 or aFactor>32767.

RArray ( TInt, T *, TInt )

T *aEntries,

C++ constructor with size of entry, a pointer to the first array entry in a pre-existing array, and the number of entries in that array.

This constructor takes a pointer to a pre-existing set of entries of type class T objects owned by another RArray object. Ownership of the set of entries still resides with the original RArray object.

This array is assigned a default granularity and key offset value. The default granularity is 8 and the default key offset value is zero.

The purpose of constructing an array in this way is to allow sorting and finding operations to be done without further allocation of memory.

aEntrySizeThe size of an entry in the existing array.
aEntriesA pointer to the first entry of type class T in the set of entries belonging to the existing array.
aCountThe number of entries in the existing array.
Panic Codes
USER129, if aEntrySize is not positive or is not less than 640.
USER156, if aCount is not positive.

Member Function Documentation

Append ( const T & )

TInt Append(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Apends an object onto the array.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be appended.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.

AppendL ( const T & )

voidAppendL(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Apends an object onto the array.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be appended.

Array ( )

TArray< T >Array()const [inline]

Constructs and returns a generic array.

Return Value
A generic array representing this array.

Close ( )


Reimplemented from RArrayBase::Close()

Closes the array and frees all memory allocated to the array.

The function must be called before this array object is destroyed.

Compress ( )


Reimplemented from RArrayBase::Compress()

Compresses the array down to a minimum.

After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is just sufficient for its contained objects. Subsequently adding a new object to the array always results in a re-allocation of memory.

Count ( )

TInt Count()const [inline]

Reimplemented from RArrayBase::Count()const

Gets the number of objects in the array.

Return Value
The number of objects in the array.

Find ( const T & )

TInt Find(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.

Matching is based on the comparison of a TInt value at the key offset position within the objects.

For classes which define their own equality operator (==), the alternative method Find(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) is recommended.

The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the first matching object within the array. KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.

Find ( const T &, TIdentityRelation< T > )

TInt Find(const T &anEntry,
TIdentityRelation< T >anIdentity
)const [inline]

Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.

The algorithm for determining whether two class T type objects match is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

Such a function need not be supplied if an equality operator (==) is defined for class T. In this case, default construction of anIdentity provides matching, as in the example below:

//Construct a TPoint and append to an RArray<TPoint>
TPoint p1(0,0);
RArray<TPoint> points;
//Find position of p1 in points using TIdentityRelation<TPoint> default construction
TInt r = points.Find(p1, TIdentityRelation<TPoint>());

The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIdentityA package encapsulating the function which determines whether two class T type objects match.
Return Value
The index of the first matching object within the array. KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.

Find ( const K &, TBool(*)(const K *k, const T &t) )

TInt Find(const K &aKey,
TBool(*)(const K *k, const T &t)apfnCompare
)const [inline]

Finds the first object in the array which matches aKey using the comparison algorithm provided by apfnCompare.

The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

aKeyThe key of type K to be compared with the elements of the array using apfnCompare.
apfnCompareA function defining the identity relation between the object in the array, and their keys of type K. The function returns true if k and t match based on this relationship.
Return Value
The index of the first matching object within the array. KErrNotFound, if no suitable object can be found.

FindInOrder ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T > )

TInt FindInOrder(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T>.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
Return Value
The index of the matching object within the array, or KErrNotFound if no matching object can be found.

FindInOrder ( const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T > )

TInt FindInOrder(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T>.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexOn return contains an index value. If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the matching object within the array. If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
Return Value
KErrNone if a matching object is found. KErrNotFound if no matching object can be found.

FindInOrder ( const K &, TInt(*)(const K *k, const T &t) )

TInt FindInOrder(const K &aKey,
TInt(*)(const K *k, const T &t)apfnCompare
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array whose object matches the specified key, (Using the relationship defined within apfnCompare) using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

The function assumes that existing objects in the array are ordered so that the objects themselves are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T>.

aKeyThe key of type K to be compared with the elements of the array using apfnCompare.
apfnCompareA function which defines the order that the array was sorted, where in it aKey (via the defined relationship) should fit, and if the key is present.
Return Value
The index of the matching object within the array. KErrNotFound, if no suitable object can be found.

FindInOrderL ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T > )

TInt FindInOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T>.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
Return Value
The index of the matching object within the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching object can be found.

FindInOrderL ( const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T > )

voidFindInOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T>.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexOn return contains the index value of the matching object within the array If the function leaves with KErrNotFound, this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching object can be found.

FindInSignedKeyOrder ( const T & )

TInt FindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the matching object within the array, or KErrNotFound if no matching object can be found.

FindInSignedKeyOrder ( const T &, TInt & )

TInt FindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexOn return contains an index value. If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the matching object within the array. If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the first element in the array whose key is bigger than the key of the element being sought. If there are no elements in the array with a bigger key, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
Return Value
KErrNone if a matching object is found, or KErrNotFound if no matching object can be found.

FindInSignedKeyOrderL ( const T & )

TInt FindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the matching object within the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

FindInSignedKeyOrderL ( const T &, TInt & )

voidFindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexOn return contains an index value of the matching object within the array. If the function leaves with KErrNotFound,this is the index of the first element in the array whose key is bigger than the key of the element being sought. If there are no elements in the array with a bigger key, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

FindInUnsignedKeyOrder ( const T & )

TInt FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the matching object within the array, or KErrNotFound if no matching object can be found.

FindInUnsignedKeyOrder ( const T &, TInt & )

TInt FindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexOn return contains an index value. If the function returns KErrNone, this is the index of the matching object within the array. If the function returns KErrNotFound, this is the index of the first element in the array whose key is bigger than the key of the element being sought. If there are no elements in the array with a bigger key, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
Return Value
KErrNone if a matching object is found, or KErrNotFound if no matching object can be found.

FindInUnsignedKeyOrderL ( const T & )

TInt FindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the matching object within the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

FindInUnsignedKeyOrderL ( const T &, TInt & )

voidFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexOn return contains an index value of the matching object within the array. If the function leaves with KErrNotFound, this is the index of the first element in the array whose key is bigger than the key of the element being sought. If there are no elements in the array with a bigger key, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

FindL ( const T & )

TInt FindL(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.

Matching is based on the comparison of a TInt value at the key offset position within the objects.

For classes which define their own equality operator (==), the alternative method FindL(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) is recommended.

The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the first matching object within the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

FindL ( const T &, TIdentityRelation< T > )

TInt FindL(const T &anEntry,
TIdentityRelation< T >anIdentity
)const [inline]

Finds the first object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.

The algorithm for determining whether two class T type objects match is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

Such a function need not be supplied if an equality operator (==) is defined for class T. In this case, default construction of anIdentity provides matching.

See Find(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) for more details.

The find operation always starts at the low index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIdentityA package encapsulating the function which determines whether two class T type objects match.
Return Value
The index of the first matching object within the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

FindReverse ( const T & )

TInt FindReverse(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.

Matching is based on the comparison of a TInt value at the key offset position within the objects.

For classes which define their own equality operator (==), the alternative method FindReverse(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) is recommended.

The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the last matching object within the array. KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.

FindReverse ( const T &, TIdentityRelation< T > )

TInt FindReverse(const T &anEntry,
TIdentityRelation< T >anIdentity
)const [inline]

Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.

The algorithm for determining whether two class T type objects match is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

Such a function need not be supplied if an equality operator (==) is defined for class T. In this case, default construction of anIdentity provides matching.

See Find(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) for more details.

The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIdentityA package encapsulating the function which determines whether two class T type objects match.
Return Value
The index of the last matching object within the array. KErrNotFound, if no matching object can be found.

FindReverse ( const K &, TInt(*)(const K *k, const T &t) )

TInt FindReverse(const K &aKey,
TInt(*)(const K *k, const T &t)apfnMatch
)const [inline]

Finds the first object in the array which matches aKey using the comparison algorithm provided by apfnCompare.

The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

aKeyThe key of type K to be compared with the elements of the array using apfnMatch.
apfnMatchA function defining the identity relation between the object in the array, and their keys of type K. The function returns true if k and t match based on this relationship.
Return Value
The index of the first matching object within the array. KErrNotFound, if no suitable object can be found.

FindReverseL ( const T & )

TInt FindReverseL(const T &anEntry)const [inline]

Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search.

Matching is based on the comparison of a TInt value at the key offset position within the objects.

For classes which define their own equality operator (==), the alternative method FindReverseL(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) is recommended.

The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
Return Value
The index of the last matching object within the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

FindReverseL ( const T &, TIdentityRelation< T > )

TInt FindReverseL(const T &anEntry,
TIdentityRelation< T >anIdentity
)const [inline]

Finds the last object in the array which matches the specified object using a sequential search and a matching algorithm.

The algorithm for determining whether two class T type objects match is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

Such a function need not be supplied if an equality operator (==) is defined for class T. In this case, default construction of anIdentity provides matching.

See Find(const T& anEntry, TIdentityRelation<T> anIdentity) for more details.

The find operation always starts at the high index end of the array. There is no assumption about the order of objects in the array.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIdentityA package encapsulating the function which determines whether two class T type objects match.
Return Value
The index of the last matching object within the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFound,if no matching object can be found.

GranularCompress ( )


Reimplemented from RArrayBase::GranularCompress()

Compresses the array down to a granular boundary.

After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient for its contained objects. Adding new objects to the array does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of objects reaches a multiple of the granularity.

Insert ( const T &, TInt )

TInt Insert(const T &anEntry,

Inserts an object into the array at a specified position.

anEntryThe class T object to be inserted.
aPosThe position within the array where the object is to be inserted. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies that an object is inserted at the beginning of the array.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
Panic Codes
USER131, if aPos is negative or is greater than the number of objects currently in the array.

InsertInOrder ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T > )

TInt InsertInOrder(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder

Inserts an object of into the array in object order.

The algorithm for determining the order of two class T type objects is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful; KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.

InsertInOrderAllowRepeats ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T > )

TInt InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder

Inserts an object into the array in object order, allowing duplicates.

The algorithm for determining the order of two class T type objects is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object already exists in the array, then anEntry is inserted after the last one.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.

InsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T > )

voidInsertInOrderAllowRepeatsL(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder

Inserts an object into the array in object order, allowing duplicates.

The algorithm for determining the order of two class T type objects is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object already exists in the array, then anEntry is inserted after the last one.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.

InsertInOrderL ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T > )

voidInsertInOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder

Inserts an object of into the array in object order.

The algorithm for determining the order of two class T type objects is provided by a function supplied by the caller.

No duplicate entries are permitted.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

Note that the array remains unchanged following an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.

InsertInSignedKeyOrder ( const T & )

TInt InsertInSignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TInt value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful; KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.

InsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats ( const T & )

TInt InsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order, allowing duplicates.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TInt value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object already exists in the array, then any new duplicate object is inserted after the last one.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.

InsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL ( const T & )

voidInsertInSignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order, allowing duplicates.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TInt value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object already exists in the array, then any new duplicate object is inserted after the last one.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.

InsertInSignedKeyOrderL ( const T & )

voidInsertInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending signed key order.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TInt value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

No duplicate entries are permitted.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

Note that the array remains unchanged following an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.

InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder ( const T & )

TInt InsertInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TUint value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

No duplicate entries are permitted. The array remains unchanged following an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful; KErrAlreadyExists, if an attempt is being made to insert a duplicate entry; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.

InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats ( const T & )

TInt InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeats(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order, allowing duplicates.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TUint value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object already exists in the array, then any new duplicate object is inserted after the last one.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.
Return Value
KErrNone, if the insertion is successful, otherwise one of the system wide error codes.

InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL ( const T & )

voidInsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order, allowing duplicates.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TUint value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

If anEntry is a duplicate of an existing object in the array, then the new object is inserted after the existing object. If more than one duplicate object already exists in the array, then any new duplicate object is inserted after the last one.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.

InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderL ( const T & )

voidInsertInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry)[inline]

Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned key order, not allowing duplicate entries.

The order of two class T type objects is based on comparing a TUint value located at the key offset position within the class T object.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

Note that the array remains unchanged following an attempt to insert a duplicate entry.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryA reference to the object of type class T to be inserted.

InsertL ( const T &, TInt )

voidInsertL(const T &anEntry,

Inserts an object into the array at a specified position.

The function leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

anEntryThe class T object to be inserted.
aPosThe position within the array where the object is to be inserted. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies that an object is inserted at the beginning of the array.
Panic Codes
USER131, if aPos is negative or is greater than the number of objects currently in the array.

Remove ( TInt )


Reimplemented from RArrayBase::Remove(TInt)

Removes the object at a specified position from the array.

anIndexThe position within the array from where the object is to be removed. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies that an object at the beginning of the array is to be removed.
Panic Codes
USER130, if anIndex is negative or is greater than the number of objects currently in the array.

Reserve ( TInt )

TInt Reserve(TIntaCount)[inline]

Reserves space for the specified number of elements.

After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient to hold the number of objects specified. Adding new objects to the array does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of objects exceeds the specified count.

aCountThe number of objects for which space should be reserved
Return Value
KErrNone If the operation completed successfully KErrNoMemory If the requested amount of memory could not be allocated

ReserveL ( TInt )


Reserves space for the specified number of elements.

After a call to this function, the memory allocated to the array is sufficient to hold the number of objects specified. Adding new objects to the array does not result in a re-allocation of memory until the the total number of objects exceeds the specified count.

aCountThe number of objects for which space should be reserved
Leave Codes
KErrNoMemoryIf the requested amount of memory could not be allocated

Reset ( )


Reimplemented from RArrayBase::Reset()

Empties the array, so that it is ready to be reused.

The function frees all memory allocated to the array and resets the internal state so that it is ready to be reused.

This array object can be allowed to go out of scope after a call to this function.

SetKeyOffset ( TInt )


Reimplemented from RArrayBase::SetKeyOffset(TInt)

Sets the offset of the ordering key within each array entry.

aKeyOffsetThe key offset.
Panic Codes
USER128, if aKeyOffset is not positive, or is not less than the size of class T, or is not a multiple of 4.

Sort ( TLinearOrder< T > )

voidSort(TLinearOrder< T >anOrder)[inline]

Sorts the objects within the array using the specified TLinearOrder.

The sort order is determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinerOrder<T>.

anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T type objects.

SortSigned ( )


Sorts the objects within the array; the sort order is assumed to be in signed integer order.

SortUnsigned ( )


Sorts the objects within the array; the sort order is assumed to be in unsigned integer order.

SpecificFindInOrder ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInOrder(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T> type.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.

SpecificFindInOrder ( const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInOrder(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and a specified ordering algorithm.

Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T> type.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexA TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found; KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.

SpecificFindInOrderL ( const T &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and an ordering algorithm.

Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T> type.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
The array index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching entry exists.

SpecificFindInOrderL ( const T &, TInt &, TLinearOrder< T >, TInt )

voidSpecificFindInOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
TLinearOrder< T >anOrder,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique and a specified ordering algorithm.

Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, the last or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in object order as determined by an algorithm supplied by the caller and packaged as a TLinearOrder<T> type.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexA TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
anOrderA package encapsulating the function which determines the order of two class T objects.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching entry exists.

SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder ( const T &, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by a signed 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. In the case that there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last or any match as specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.

SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder ( const T &, TInt &, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by a signed 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. Where there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last or any matching element as specified specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexA TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found; KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.

SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL ( const T &, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by a signed 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. In the case that there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last or any match as specified.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
The array index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching entry exists.

SpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL ( const T &, TInt &, TInt )

voidSpecificFindInSignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by a signed 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. In the case that there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last or any match as specified.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in signed key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexA TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching entry exists.

SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder ( const T &, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by an unsigned 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, last or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
KErrNotFound, if there is no matching element, otherwise the array index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.

SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder ( const T &, TInt &, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrder(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by an unsigned 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. Where there is more than one matching element, it finds the first, last or any matching element as specified by the value of aMode.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexA TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
KErrNone, if a matching object pointer is found; KErrNotFound, if no suitable object pointer can be found.

SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL ( const T &, TInt )

TInt SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by an unsigned 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. In the case that there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last or any match as specified.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Return Value
The array index of a matching element - what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching entry exists.

SpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL ( const T &, TInt &, TInt )

voidSpecificFindInUnsignedKeyOrderL(const T &anEntry,
TInt &anIndex,
)const [inline]

Finds the object in the array which matches the specified object using a binary search technique.

The element ordering is determined by an unsigned 32-bit word (the key) embedded in each array element. In the case that there is more than one matching element, finds the first, last or any match as specified.

The function assumes that existing objects within the array are in unsigned key order.

NOTE: This function is NOT AVAILABLE to code running on the kernel side.

See also: TArrayFindMode

anEntryA reference to an object of type class T to be used for matching.
anIndexA TInt type supplied by the caller. On return, it contains an index value depending on whether a match is found and on the value of aMode. If there is no matching element in the array, then this is the index of the first element in the array that is bigger than the element being searched for - if no elements in the array are bigger, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array. If there is a matching element, then what the index refers to depends on the value of aMode: if this is EArrayFindMode_First, then the index refers to the first matching element; if this is EArrayFindMode_Any, then the index can refer to any of the matching elements; if this is EArrayFindMode_Last, then the index refers to first element that follows the last matching element - if the last matching element is also the last element of the array, then the index value is the same as the total number of elements in the array.
aModeSpecifies whether to find the first match, the last match or any match, as defined by one of the TArrayFindMode enum values.
Leave Codes
KErrNotFoundif no matching entry exists.

operator[] ( TInt )

const T &operator[](TIntanIndex)const [inline]

Gets a reference to an object located at a specified position within the array.

The compiler chooses this function if the returned reference is used in an expression where the reference cannot be modified.

anIndexThe position of the object within the array. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object at the beginning of the array.
Return Value
A const reference to the object at position anIndex within the array.
Panic Codes
USER130, if anIndex is negative or is greater than the number of objects currently in the array

operator[] ( TInt )

T &operator[](TIntanIndex)[inline]

Gets a reference to an object located at a specified position within the array.

The compiler chooses this function if the returned reference is used in an expression where the reference can be modified.

anIndexThe position of the object within the array. The position is relative to zero, i.e. zero implies the object at the beginning of the array.
Return Value
A non-const reference to the object at position anIndex within the array.
Panic Codes
USER130, if anIndex is negative or is greater than the number of objects currently in the array