CMsvEntrySelection Class Reference

#include <mw/msvstd.h>

Link against: msgs_autoshutdown.lib

class CMsvEntrySelection : public CArrayFixFlat< TMsvId >, public CArrayFixFlat< TMsvId >, public CArrayFixFlat< TMsvId >
Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection *CopyL()
IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection *CopyLC()
Inherited Functions
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::AppendL(const TMsvId &)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::AppendL(const TMsvId &,TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::AppendL(const TMsvId *,TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::Array()const
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::At(TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::At(TInt)const
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::Back(TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::Back(TInt)const
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::CArrayFix(TBufRep,TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::End(TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::End(TInt)const
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::ExpandL(TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::ExtendL()
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::Find(const TMsvId &,TKeyArrayFix &,TInt &)const
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::FindIsq(const TMsvId &,TKeyArrayFix &,TInt &)const
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL(const TMsvId &,TKeyArrayFix &)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::InsertIsqL(const TMsvId &,TKeyArrayFix &)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::InsertL(TInt,const TMsvId &)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::InsertL(TInt,const TMsvId &,TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::InsertL(TInt,const TMsvId *,TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::ResizeL(TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::ResizeL(TInt,const TMsvId &)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::operator[](TInt)
CArrayFix< TMsvId >::operator[](TInt)const
CArrayFixBase::AtR(const CBase *,TInt)
CArrayFixBase::CountR(const CBase *)
CArrayFixBase::Find(const TAny *,TKeyArrayFix &,TInt &)const
CArrayFixBase::FindIsq(const TAny *,TKeyArrayFix &,TInt &)const
CArrayFixBase::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL(const TAny *,TKeyArrayFix &)
CArrayFixBase::InsertIsqL(const TAny *,TKeyArrayFix &)
CArrayFixBase::InsertL(TInt,const TAny *)
CArrayFixBase::InsertL(TInt,const TAny *,TInt)
CArrayFixBase::InsertRepL(TInt,const TAny *,TInt)
CArrayFixBase::ResizeL(TInt,const TAny *)
CArrayFixBase::SetKey(TKeyArrayFix &)const
CArrayFixBase::Sort(TKeyArrayFix &)
CArrayFixFlat< TMsvId >::CArrayFixFlat(TInt)
CArrayFixFlat< TMsvId >::SetReserveL(TInt)
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)

Detailed Description

Encapsulates an array of entry IDs.

An object of this type is commonly passed to a function to indicate the set of entries on which the function should operate. The array base class (CArrayFixFlat<TMsvId>) provide methods to access, sort, and manipulate members of the array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CMsvEntrySelection ( )


Creates an empty array.

Member Function Documentation

CopyL ( )

IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection *CopyL()const

Creates a new CMsvEntrySelection object with the same contents as the current object. The client should delete the object when it is no longer required.

Return Value
New CMsvEntrySelection with same selection as current object
Leave Codes
KErrNoMemoryA memory allocation failed.

CopyLC ( )

IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection *CopyLC()const

Creates a new CMsvEntrySelection object with the same contents as the current object. The client should delete the object when it is no longer required.

The function leaves the new object on the cleanup stack.

Return Value
New CMsvEntrySelection with same selection as current object
Leave Codes
KErrNoMemoryA memory allocation failed.

Find ( TMsvId )

IMPORT_C TIntFind(TMsvIdaId)const

Finds an item in the array by its entry ID.

aIdID to find
Return Value
The index of the position of the entry in the array, or KErrNotFound if the selection does not contain the ID.