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QContactActionDescriptor Class Reference

The QContactActionDescriptor class provides information that uniquely identifies a specific implementation of an action More...

 #include <QContactActionDescriptor>

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.2.

Public Functions

QContactActionDescriptor ()
QContactActionDescriptor ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other )
~QContactActionDescriptor ()
QString actionIdentifier () const
QString actionName () const
QContactFilter contactFilter () const
int implementationVersion () const
bool isValid () const
QVariant metaData ( const QString & key, const QList<QContactActionTarget> & targets, const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const
QVariant metaData ( const QString & key, const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const
QVariant metaData ( const QString & key, const QContactActionTarget & target, const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const
QVariant metaData ( const QString & key, const QContact & contact, const QContactDetail & detail = QContactDetail(), const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const
QString serviceName () const
QSet<QContactActionTarget> supportedTargets ( const QContact & contact ) const
bool supportsContact ( const QContact & contact ) const
bool operator!= ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other ) const
QContactActionDescriptor & operator= ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other )
bool operator== ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other ) const

Static Public Members

const QLatin1Constant MetaDataIcon
const QLatin1Constant MetaDataLabel
const QLatin1Constant MetaDataMandatoryParameterKeys
const QLatin1Constant MetaDataOptionalParameterKeys
const QLatin1Constant MetaDataSecondLabel

Detailed Description

The QContactActionDescriptor class provides information that uniquely identifies a specific implementation of an action

Member Function Documentation

QContactActionDescriptor::QContactActionDescriptor ()

Constructs a new, invalid action descriptor

QContactActionDescriptor::QContactActionDescriptor ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other )

Constructs a copy of the other action descriptor

QContactActionDescriptor::~QContactActionDescriptor ()

Cleans up any memory in use by the action descriptor

QString QContactActionDescriptor::actionIdentifier () const

Returns the identifier of the action, within the service.

QString QContactActionDescriptor::actionName () const

Returns the name of the action which is identified by the action descriptor

QContactFilter QContactActionDescriptor::contactFilter () const

Returns a filter which will match contacts for which this action has at least one supported action target

int QContactActionDescriptor::implementationVersion () const

Returns the service-specified version of the action implementation which is identified by the action descriptor

bool QContactActionDescriptor::isValid () const

Returns false if either the name, service and version of the descriptor are missing from the descriptor, or if the descriptor is not associated with a valid action factory which can create instances of an action. An empty descriptor cannot uniquely identify an action.

QVariant QContactActionDescriptor::metaData ( const QString & key, const QList<QContactActionTarget> & targets, const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const

Returns the meta data for the given meta data key key for the the given action targets targets with the given invocation parameters parameters.

QVariant QContactActionDescriptor::metaData ( const QString & key, const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const

Returns the meta data for the given meta data key key with the given invocation parameters parameters.

QVariant QContactActionDescriptor::metaData ( const QString & key, const QContactActionTarget & target, const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const

Returns the meta data for the given meta data key key for the target, with the given invocation parameters parameters.

QVariant QContactActionDescriptor::metaData ( const QString & key, const QContact & contact, const QContactDetail & detail = QContactDetail(), const QVariantMap & parameters = QVariantMap() ) const

Returns the meta data for the given meta data key key for a target identified by contact and detail, with the given invocation parameters parameters.

QString QContactActionDescriptor::serviceName () const

Returns the name of the service of the action implementation which is identified by the action descriptor

QSet<QContactActionTarget> QContactActionDescriptor::supportedTargets ( const QContact & contact ) const

Returns the set of action targets which are supported by this action for the given contact contact

bool QContactActionDescriptor::supportsContact ( const QContact & contact ) const

Returns true if the action which this descriptor describes supports at least one action target for the given contact

bool QContactActionDescriptor::operator!= ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other ) const

Returns true if the action name, service name or service-specified implementation version specified by this action descriptor are different to that specified by other

QContactActionDescriptor & QContactActionDescriptor::operator= ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other )

Assigns this action descriptor to be equal to other

bool QContactActionDescriptor::operator== ( const QContactActionDescriptor & other ) const

Returns true if the action identified by this descriptor is the same as the action identified by the other descriptor. Note that two actions with the same action name, service name and implementation version may in fact be different (for example, they may have different metaData), so using this function is the only way for clients to tell whether or not the action descriptors identify different actions.

Member Variable Documentation

const QLatin1Constant QContactActionDescriptor::MetaDataIcon

The meta data key which corresponds to the meta data value which contains the icon which should be displayed for this action.

See also metaData().

const QLatin1Constant QContactActionDescriptor::MetaDataLabel

The meta data key which corresponds to the meta data value which contains the display label for this action.

See also metaData().

const QLatin1Constant QContactActionDescriptor::MetaDataMandatoryParameterKeys

The meta data key which corresponds to the meta data value which contains the list of keys of parameters which the client must provide at invocation for the action to succeed.

An example of a mandatory parameter might be a "recipient" parameter to a "send email" action.

See also metaData().

const QLatin1Constant QContactActionDescriptor::MetaDataOptionalParameterKeys

The meta data key which corresponds to the meta data value which contains the list of keys of parameters which the client may provide at invocation time which may affect the action.

An example of an optional parameter might be an "attachment" parameter to a "send email" action.

See also metaData().

const QLatin1Constant QContactActionDescriptor::MetaDataSecondLabel

The meta data key which corresponds to the meta data value which contains the second or additional display label for this action.

See also metaData().