This tutorial explain the steps to create email messages in plain text format.
Create an email
entry in the message store using the CImEmailOperation::CreateNewL()
function, which takes all the following nine parameters:
static IMPORT_C CImEmailOperation *CreateNewL(TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession &aMsvSession, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvId aSmtpServiceId, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList &aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority, TBool aUsePlainTextStorage);
Set the TBool parameter to ETrue
Use the CImEmailOperation::ProgressL()
method to obtain the TMsvId parameter of the newly created email. This is returned
through a TPckgC
<TMsvId >
Create a CMsvEntry
object using the TMsvId aMessageId
parameter of the newly created email.
Use the CMsvEntry
object to create a CImEmailMessage
Call the CImEmailMessage::OpenPlainBodyTextForWriteL()
to get a new instance of CImPlainBodyText
If there are more than one chunk, use the StoreChunkL() function repeatedly to store the body text in chunks.
When the message
body text is completely stored, call the CImPlainBodyText::CommitL()
function to complete the email creation operation.