MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension Class Reference

#include <w32adll.h>

class MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension
Public Member Functions
pure virtual TInt FocusScreens()
pure virtual TInt Screens()
pure virtual voidSetFocusScreen(TInt)
pure virtual TInt SetOrdinalPosition(TInt, TInt, TInt)
pure virtual voidWindowConfig(TWindowConfig &)
pure virtual TBool WindowGroupInfo(TWindowGroupInfo &, TInt, TInt)
pure virtual TBool WindowGroupName(TPtrC &, TInt, TInt)
pure virtual TInt WindowGroups(TInt)

Detailed Description

General Window utility functions interface.

The member functions define the interface for querying and manipulating the window and screen attributes.

You obtain one by calling: iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EWindowExtensionInterface) and casting the result.

It is not intended for user derivation.

Member Function Documentation

FocusScreens ( )

TInt FocusScreens()const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of the screen which is currently in focus.

Return Value
The number of the screen which is currently in focus.

Screens ( )

TInt Screens()const [pure virtual]

Returns the total number of screens.

Return Value
The total number of screens.

SetFocusScreen ( TInt )

voidSetFocusScreen(TIntaScreenNo)[pure virtual]

Changes the focused screen.

aScreenNoNew screen number.

SetOrdinalPosition ( TInt, TInt, TInt )

TInt SetOrdinalPosition(TIntaWindowGroupId,
)[pure virtual]

Changes the ordinal position and priority of the window group with the specified ID.

aWindowGroupIdThe window group ID.
aPosThe ordinal position to move the window to.
aOrdinalPriorityThe new ordinal priority of the window.
Return Value
KErrNotFound if there is no window group with the specified ID, KErrNone otherwise.

WindowConfig ( TWindowConfig & )

voidWindowConfig(TWindowConfig &aWindowConfig)const [pure virtual]

Accessor for window configuration.

aWindowConfigGets filled in with window configuration details.

WindowGroupInfo ( TWindowGroupInfo &, TInt, TInt )

TBool WindowGroupInfo(TWindowGroupInfo &aInfo,
)const [pure virtual]

Takes a screen number and an ordinal position and returns the complete window group information of the specified window. If the window group does not exist, the function returns EFalse.

Note: the ordinal position specified should be the total or full ordinal position of all group windows of all priorities on that screen.

aInfoon return, complete window information.
aScreenScreen number.
aFullOrdinalPositionOrdinal position of the window.
Return Value
ETrue if window group information exists, EFalse otherwise.

WindowGroupName ( TPtrC &, TInt, TInt )

TBool WindowGroupName(TPtrC &aWindowName,
)const [pure virtual]

Takes a screen number and an ordinal position and returns the window group name. If the window group does not exist, the function returns false.

Note: the ordinal position specified should be the total or full ordinal position of all group windows of all priorities on that screen.

Note: if the name does not fit into the descriptor provided then it will be truncated.

aWindowNameOn return, the window group name.
aScreenThe screen number.
aFullOrdinalPositionThe ordinal position of the window.
Return Value
ETrue if the window group name exists, EFalse otherwise.

WindowGroups ( TInt )

TInt WindowGroups(TIntaScreen)const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of window groups available for the specified screen.

aScreenThe screen number.
Return Value
The number of window groups.