Language-Neutral Files

Language-Neutral files are files that are required to be installed irrespective of the languages supported on the Symbian device.

This Language-Neutral files section specifies the location and name of each file on the PC and its target location on the Symbian device. Files are installed in the order in which they are specified in the PKG file.


"source-filename" - "destination-filename"[, install-options]





Specifies the name and location of the file on computer that must be included in the SIS file.


Specifies the location on the Symbian device, to which the file must be installed. See, destination-filename for more information.


Specifies the type of file and how it affects the installation or removal. It is an optional comma-separated list. See, install-options, for more information.


The destination-filename must specify the full path. A ! character can be used instead of a drive letter to enable the Symbian device user to install the file to any required location. As an alternative to !, the $ character can be used to denote the system drive.

The destination-filename must not be specified if the file is not required to be installed. For example, a text file containing a licence agreement to be displayed during the installation must not include destination-filename and can be specified with empty quotes.

If a file can be installed by other packages, for example, a shared DLL, it is recommended to install it using an embedded SIS file.

The destination-filename can be specified in one of the following formats:



The following table provides a list of the install-options.

Name Abbreviation Description



Specifies a standard installable file. For example:

"text\file1.txt"-"!:\private\E800005A\file1.txt", FF





A text file that is displayed in a dialog box during installation. The dialog type is determined by the text-options specified. See, text-options for more information.

Text files are not installed on the target device, so the target location is empty. An example FILETEXT line is:

"text\textfilec.txt"-"", FT, TC

Any FILETEXT statements present in a PKG file for a preinstalled application are ignored by the software installer.

For Unicode text files to be displayed correctly, it is recommended that the Byte Order Mark (BOM) be specified at the beginning of the text files.





Specifies a file that is installed on the Symbian device and run during installation or uninstallation of packages based on the RI, RR and RB arguments. For details, see run-options.

For example:

"\epoc32\release\armv5\urel\zoom.exe"-"!:\sys\bin\zoom.exe", FILERUN, RUNINSTALL


  • The file can be an executable or a document containing text.

  • The untrusted applications are run through the FILERUN (FR) or FILEMIME (FM) statements based on configuration of the installation policy.







,run-options [,RW]

Instructs the installer to associate the file with the default application associated with the given MIME type, for example, text or x-vCard is required to be open for contact details.

The MIME type in quotes must be specified after the FM argument. FILEMIME is intended for use with files that are launched during the installation or uninstallation and not for standard installation files. For example:

"my_picture.gif"-"", FM, "image/gif", RI

The Software Installer ignores any FILEMIME statements present in a PKG file for a preinstalled application.


text-options can be used after FT is specified. It is used by the UI to determine the type of dialog that is used to display the text. It can have one of the following values.

Name Abbreviation Description



It is recommended that the UI displays a dialog containing a Continue button.

The installation continues regardless of the return value of the dialog.



It is recommended that the UI displays a dialog containing Yes /No buttons.

The software installer continues with the installation if the dialog returns true (if the Symbian device user selects Yes). It aborts the installation if the dialog returns false (if the Symbian device user selects No).






It is recommended that the UI displays a dialog containing a ForceAbort button.

On selecting this dialog, it aborts the installation.



It is recommended that the UI displays a dialog containing Yes /No buttons.

The software installer continues the installation without skipping the file mentioned in the next statement if the dialog returns true (if the Symbian device user selects Yes). It skips the installation of the file mentioned in the next statement if the dialog returns false (if the Symbian device user selects No).

Note: UIs can implement installation dialogs differently, so you must refer to the UI SDK for details about the actual behavior.


run-options can be used after FR or FM has been specified. It can be any of the following:

Name Abbreviation Description



Run on install



Run on uninstall and upgrade



Run on install, uninstall and upgrade



Run on uninstall before the applications in the package are shut down

Optionally, RW (or RUNWAITEND) can be specified in addition to the run-options. If this option is specified, the installation server waits for the program to terminate before continuing with the install. If this option is not specified, the installation server runs the program and continues with the installation. The program is shut down after the installation is complete.

When uninstalling a package with a RUNREMOVE or RUNBOTH executable specified, the installation server always waits for the executable to terminate or timeout before continuing with the uninstall.

Verification options

The following option is available for checking the integrity of a file at restore time:

Name Abbreviation Description



This flag is necessary if the integrity of a file installed in a directory outside \sys or \restore needs to be verified at restore time. For example, an application can check this flag to verify that a security policy file restored to its private directory is identical to the file delivered by the SIS file.

The following example illustrates the usage of this option:

"$:\private\10283558\policies\ups_01041000_01041001.rsc", VERIFY

Import and Private Directories

The software installer ensures that files are placed in appropriate areas of the file system. The following rules are applied:

  • A package can only deliver a data file into the private directory belonging to any executable in the package. If a package delivers three executables: SID1, SID2, SID3 (where SID stands for Secure ID), then data files can be delivered to /private/SID1/, /private/SID2/, or /private/SID3/. In an upgrade, this is possible by associating the upgrade package with the SIDs present in the original package unless one of the original executables is to be removed during the upgrade.

  • Any package can deliver a file into the //private/SID/import of an entirely unrelated package. However, replacement and eclipsing rules apply.