Mapping custom softkeys

Describes the changes required to map the custom softkeys to the corresponding Symbian Belle icons.


The custom softkeys are not mapped to the appropriate icons automatically like the standard softkeys. You can either choose to use the following standard AVKON softkey IDs or map an icon to your custom softkey key ID explicitly:

  • EAknSoftkeyEmpty

  • EAknSoftkeyOk

  • EAknSoftkeySelect

  • EAknSoftkeyCancel

  • EAknSoftkeyDetails

  • EAknSoftkeyCall

  • EAknSoftkeyOptions

  • EAknSoftkeyBack

  • EAknSoftkeyDone

  • EAknSoftkeyExit

  • EAknSoftkeyClose

  • EAknSoftkeyHide

  • EAknSoftkeyMark

  • EAknSoftkeyUnmark

  • EAknSoftkeyYes

  • EAknSoftkeyNo

  • EAknSoftkeyUnlock

  • EAknSoftkeySave

  • EAknSoftkeyShow

  • EAknSoftkeyRead

  • EAknSoftkeyListen

  • EAknSoftkeySearch

  • EAknSoftkeyAgain

  • EAknSoftkeyQuit

  • EAknSoftkeyInsert

It is recommended that you use these standard softkey IDs to avoid the effort of explicitly mapping the softkey to an icon, and also to ensure that the look-and-feel of the application adheres to the UI guidelines for Symbian Belle.


If you decide to explicitly map your custom softkey ID to an icon, have the icon ready and follow the steps outlined here.


  1. Set callback to CEikCba::SetCommandToIconMapperL

    Example: For example:

    static_cast<CEikCba*>( cba->ButtonGroup() )->SetCommandToIconMapperL(MapCommandToIcon, cba);
    //Callback handler function
    TBool CMyClass::MapCommandToIcon( TInt aCommand, CEikCba::TIconInfo& aIconInfo, TAny* /*aPtr*/ )
        switch( aCommand )
        case EMyCmd0:
            aIconInfo = CEikCba::TIconInfo( KAknsIIDQgnIndiTpIdle, KAvkonBitmapFile,
                EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_idle, EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_idle_mask );
            return ETrue;
        case EMyCmd1:
            aIconInfo.iIconId = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_dialler;
            aIconInfo.iMaskId = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_dialler_mask;
            return ETrue;
            return EFalse;
  2. Add the icon information to theICONIC_CBA_BUTTON resource structure in the application's resource header

    Example: For example:

    RESOURCE ICONIC_CBA_BUTTON r_custom_icon_cba_button
        id = EMyCmd0;
        txt = "Options";
        bmpfile = "\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mbm";
        bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_idle;
        bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_idle_mask;
        skinid_major = EAknsMajorGeneric;
        skinid_minor = EAknsMinorGenericQgnIndiTpIdle;
    RESOURCE CBA r_custom_icon_cba
        buttons =
                id = EMyCmd0;
                txt = "Options";
                bmpfile = "\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mbm";
                bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_dialler;
                bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_dialler_mask;
                skinid_major = EAknsMajorGeneric;
                skinid_minor = EAknsMinorGenericQgnIndiTpDialler;
                id = EMyCmd1;
                txt = "Back";
                bmpfile = "\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mbm";
                bmpid = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_help;
                bmpmask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_tp_help_mask;
                skinid_major = EAknsMajorGeneric;
                skinid_minor = EAknsMinorGenericQgnIndiTpHelp;


This will ensure that the custom softkeys are mapped to icons. If the icons are not found in the specified location, a textual softkey is displayed.