Active object developer checklist

Common problems with active objects, and how to avoid them.

  1. Set the relative priorities of your active objects appropriately. The initial priority is passed to the base class constructor in the active object's member initialization list. You can change the priority by calling CActive::SetPriority().

  2. An active object's RunL() should complete as quickly as possible so that other events can be handled without delay. A higher priority active object whose request has completed will not preempt the currently executing RunL() of a lower priority active object in the same thread.

  3. Add your active object to the active scheduler. You do this by calling CActiveScheduler::Add() at the end of the active object's second phase constructor (ConstructL()).

  4. Call SetActive() immediately after making an asynchronous request. Failing to do this will break the active scheduler's event-processing loop resulting in a panic (E32USER-CBASE 46).

  5. A single active object must not issue a second asynchronous request when one is already outstanding. You can use CActive::IsActive() to find out if a request has already been issued. Some active objects always call CActive::Cancel() before making a new asynchronous request. This checks if a request is in progress, and if so calls the pure virtual CActive::DoCancel(). You override this function to call the request cancellation function of the asynchronous service provider.

  6. An active object must not be deleted with a request still in progress. Call CActive::Cancel() in your active object's destructor, and cancel the asynchronous service provider's cancellation function in your override of DoCancel().

  7. User::WaitForRequest() and the active object framework do not mix. User::WaitForRequest() is most commonly used in test code to wait on an asynchronous request by blocking the thread. The active scheduler's event loop already contains a call to User::WaitForAnyRequest().

  8. Do not allow a leave generated by your active object to panic the thread. You can either trap any leaves yourself inside RunL() and use a signal to propagate the error, or you can override CActive::RunError() to handle a leave arising from your RunL() method, and return KErrNone to indicate that the leave has been handled. In a Qt application it is not possible to derive your own active scheduler and override CActiveSheduler::Error().

  9. In a Qt application do not call CActiveSheduler::Start() or CActiveSheduler::Stop(). The application framework is responsible for creating, installing, and stopping the active scheduler.

Copyright note. Some of the material in this topic is based with permission on a Symbian Foundation wiki article Active Objects which is part of the series The Fundamentals of Symbian C++. The version used was that available at on 3 November 2010. The content in this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License (

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