/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** All rights reserved. ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of Nokia Corporation and its Subsidiary(-ies) nor ** the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote ** products derived from this software without specific prior written ** permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include <QtCore> #include <QtGui> #include <QtNetwork> #include <QtSvg> // QtMobility API headers #include <qmobilityglobal.h> #include <qgeopositioninfosource.h> #include <qgeosatelliteinfosource.h> #include <qnmeapositioninfosource.h> #include <qgeopositioninfo.h> #include <qnetworkconfigmanager.h> #include <qnetworksession.h> #include "satellitedialog.h" #include "connectivityhelper.h" // Use the QtMobility namespace QTM_USE_NAMESPACE class WeatherInfo: public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT private: QGraphicsView *m_view; QGraphicsScene m_scene; QString city; QGraphicsRectItem *m_statusItem; QGraphicsTextItem *m_temperatureItem; QGraphicsTextItem *m_conditionItem; QGraphicsSvgItem *m_iconItem; QList<QGraphicsRectItem*> m_forecastItems; QList<QGraphicsTextItem*> m_dayItems; QList<QGraphicsSvgItem*> m_conditionItems; QList<QGraphicsTextItem*> m_rangeItems; QTimeLine m_timeLine; QHash<QString, QString> m_icons; QNetworkAccessManager* m_nam; bool m_usingLogFile; bool m_gpsWeather; QGeoPositionInfoSource* m_location; QNetworkSession* m_session; ConnectivityHelper* m_connectivityHelper; QGeoCoordinate m_coordinate; public: WeatherInfo(QWidget *parent = 0): QMainWindow(parent) { m_view = new QGraphicsView(this); setCentralWidget(m_view); setupScene(); m_view->setScene(&m_scene); m_view->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); m_view->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); m_view->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); setWindowTitle("Weather Info"); QAction *your = new QAction("Your weather", this); connect(your, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(yourWeather())); addAction(your); #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE) || defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) || defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_6) menuBar()->addAction(your); #endif QStringList cities; cities << "Helsinki"; cities << "Oslo"; cities << "Berlin"; cities << "Brisbane"; cities << "San Diego"; for (int i = 0; i < cities.count(); ++i) { QAction *action = new QAction(cities[i], this); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(chooseCity())); addAction(action); #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE) || defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) || defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_6) menuBar()->addAction(action); #endif } #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) QAction *exitAction = new QAction(tr("Exit"), this); connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); addAction(exitAction); menuBar()->addAction(exitAction); #endif setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); // QNetworkAccessManager m_nam = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); connect(m_nam, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(handleNetworkData(QNetworkReply*))); // Don't use the GPS until we need it m_location = 0; m_gpsWeather = false; m_usingLogFile = false; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(delayedInit())); } ~WeatherInfo() { if (m_location) m_location->stopUpdates(); m_session->close(); } private slots: void delayedInit() { // Set Internet Access Point QNetworkConfigurationManager manager; const bool canStartIAP = (manager.capabilities() & QNetworkConfigurationManager::CanStartAndStopInterfaces); // Is there default access point, use it #ifdef BEARER_IN_QTNETWORK QNetworkConfiguration cfg = manager.defaultConfiguration(); if (!cfg.isValid() || (!canStartIAP && cfg.state() != QNetworkConfiguration::Active)) { #else QTM_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QNetworkConfiguration) cfg = manager.defaultConfiguration(); if (!cfg.isValid() || (!canStartIAP && cfg.state() != QTM_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QNetworkConfiguration)::Active)) { #endif QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Weather Info"), tr( "Available Access Points not found.")); return; } m_session = new QNetworkSession(cfg, this); m_connectivityHelper = new ConnectivityHelper(m_session, this); connect(m_session, SIGNAL(opened()), this, SLOT(networkSessionOpened())); connect(m_connectivityHelper, SIGNAL(networkingCancelled()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); m_session->open(); } void networkSessionOpened() { m_gpsWeather = false; request("Helsinki"); } void yourWeather() { m_gpsWeather = true; if (!m_location) { // QGeoPositionInfoSource m_location = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createDefaultSource(this); if (!m_location) { QNmeaPositionInfoSource *nmeaLocation = new QNmeaPositionInfoSource(QNmeaPositionInfoSource::SimulationMode, this); QFile *logFile = new QFile(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + QDir::separator() + "nmealog.txt", this); nmeaLocation->setDevice(logFile); m_location = nmeaLocation; m_usingLogFile = true; QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Weather Info"), tr("No GPS support detected, using GPS data from a sample log file instead.")); } } if (!m_usingLogFile) { QGeoSatelliteInfoSource *m_satellite = QGeoSatelliteInfoSource::createDefaultSource(this); if (m_satellite) { SatelliteDialog *dialog = new SatelliteDialog(this, 30, SatelliteDialog::ExitOnFixOrCancel, SatelliteDialog::OrderByPrnNumber, SatelliteDialog::ScaleToMaxPossible); dialog->connectSources(m_location, m_satellite); m_location->startUpdates(); m_satellite->startUpdates(); dialog->exec(); m_location->stopUpdates(); m_satellite->stopUpdates(); } } // Listen gps position changes connect(m_location, SIGNAL(positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo)), this, SLOT(positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo))); // Start listening GPS position updates m_location->startUpdates(); } void positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo gpsPos) { if (m_gpsWeather) { m_coordinate = gpsPos.coordinate(); if (m_coordinate.isValid()) { QString longitude; longitude.setNum(m_coordinate.longitude()); QString latitude; latitude.setNum(m_coordinate.latitude()); requestTownName(longitude, latitude); m_gpsWeather = false; m_location->stopUpdates(); } else { QMessageBox::information(this, "Weather Info", "Waiting for your GPS position..."); } } } void chooseCity() { QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender()); if (action) { if (m_location) m_location->stopUpdates(); m_gpsWeather = false; request(action->text()); } } void handleNetworkData(QNetworkReply *networkReply) { QUrl url = networkReply->url(); if (!networkReply->error()) { QString data = QString::fromUtf8(networkReply->readAll()); if (data.contains("<LocalityName>", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { requestWeatherOfTown(data); } else { digest(data); } } networkReply->deleteLater(); } void animate(int frame) { qreal progress = static_cast<qreal>(frame) / 100; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500 m_iconItem->setOpacity(progress); #endif qreal hw = width() / 2.0; m_statusItem->setPos(-hw + hw * progress, 0); for (int i = 0; i < m_forecastItems.count(); ++i) { qreal ofs = i * 0.5 / m_forecastItems.count(); qreal alpha = qBound(qreal(0), 2 * (progress - ofs), qreal(1)); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500 m_conditionItems[i]->setOpacity(alpha); #endif QPointF pos = m_forecastItems[i]->pos(); if (width() > height()) { qreal fx = width() - width() * 0.4 * alpha; m_forecastItems[i]->setPos(fx, pos.y()); } else { qreal fx = height() - height() * 0.5 * alpha; m_forecastItems[i]->setPos(pos.x(), fx); } } } private: void setupScene() { m_scene.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(palette().color(QPalette::Base))); QColor textColor = palette().color(QPalette::WindowText); QFont textFont = font(); textFont.setBold(true); textFont.setPointSize(textFont.pointSize() * 2); m_temperatureItem = m_scene.addText(QString(), textFont); m_temperatureItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor); m_conditionItem = m_scene.addText(QString(), textFont); m_conditionItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor); m_iconItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem; m_scene.addItem(m_iconItem); m_statusItem = m_scene.addRect(0, 0, 10, 10); m_statusItem->setPen(Qt::NoPen); m_statusItem->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); m_temperatureItem->setParentItem(m_statusItem); m_conditionItem->setParentItem(m_statusItem); m_iconItem->setParentItem(m_statusItem); connect(&m_timeLine, SIGNAL(frameChanged(int)), SLOT(animate(int))); m_timeLine.setDuration(1100); m_timeLine.setFrameRange(0, 100); m_timeLine.setCurveShape(QTimeLine::EaseInCurve); } void requestTownName(QString longitude, QString latitude) { // http://code.google.com/intl/en/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/index.html#ReverseGeocoding QUrl url("http://maps.google.com/maps/geo"); url.addEncodedQueryItem("q", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(latitude + "," + longitude)); url.addEncodedQueryItem("output", QUrl::toPercentEncoding("xml")); m_nam->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); city = QString(); setWindowTitle("Loading..."); } void requestWeatherOfTown(QString xml) { // Try to find <LocalityName>xxxxxx</LocalityName> int start = xml.indexOf("<LocalityName>"); int end = xml.indexOf("</LocalityName>", start); QString town = xml.mid(start + 14, end - start - 14); request(town); } void request(const QString &location) { QUrl url("http://www.google.com/ig/api"); url.addEncodedQueryItem("hl", "en"); url.addEncodedQueryItem("weather", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(location)); m_nam->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); city = QString(); setWindowTitle("Loading..."); } QString extractIcon(const QString &data) { if (m_icons.isEmpty()) { m_icons["mostly_cloudy"] = "weather-few-clouds"; m_icons["cloudy"] = "weather-overcast"; m_icons["mostly_sunny"] = "weather-sunny-very-few-clouds"; m_icons["partly_cloudy"] = "weather-sunny-very-few-clouds"; m_icons["sunny"] = "weather-sunny"; m_icons["flurries"] = "weather-snow"; m_icons["fog"] = "weather-fog"; m_icons["haze"] = "weather-haze"; m_icons["icy"] = "weather-icy"; m_icons["sleet"] = "weather-sleet"; m_icons["chance_of_sleet"] = "weather-sleet"; m_icons["snow"] = "weather-snow"; m_icons["chance_of_snow"] = "weather-snow"; m_icons["mist"] = "weather-showers"; m_icons["rain"] = "weather-showers"; m_icons["chance_of_rain"] = "weather-showers"; m_icons["storm"] = "weather-storm"; m_icons["chance_of_storm"] = "weather-storm"; m_icons["thunderstorm"] = "weather-thundershower"; m_icons["chance_of_tstorm"] = "weather-thundershower"; } QRegExp regex("([\\w]+).gif$"); if (regex.indexIn(data) != -1) { QString i = regex.cap(); i = i.left(i.length() - 4); QString name = m_icons.value(i); if (!name.isEmpty()) { name.prepend(":/icons/"); name.append(".svg"); return name; } } return QString(); } static QString toCelcius(QString t, QString unit) { bool ok = false; int degree = t.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return QString(); if (unit != "SI") degree = ((degree - 32) * 5 + 8) / 9; return QString::number(degree) + QChar(176); } #define GET_DATA_ATTR xml.attributes().value("data").toString() void digest(const QString &data) { if (data.contains("<problem_cause")) { setWindowTitle("Weather Info"); QMessageBox::information(this, "Weather Info", "Could not find weather info"); return; } QColor textColor = palette().color(QPalette::WindowText); QString unitSystem; delete m_iconItem; m_iconItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); m_scene.addItem(m_iconItem); m_iconItem->setParentItem(m_statusItem); qDeleteAll(m_dayItems); qDeleteAll(m_conditionItems); qDeleteAll(m_rangeItems); qDeleteAll(m_forecastItems); m_dayItems.clear(); m_conditionItems.clear(); m_rangeItems.clear(); m_forecastItems.clear(); QXmlStreamReader xml(data); while (!xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) { if (xml.name() == "city") { city = GET_DATA_ATTR; setWindowTitle(city); } if (xml.name() == "unit_system") unitSystem = xml.attributes().value("data").toString(); // Parse current weather conditions if (xml.name() == "current_conditions") { while (!xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.name() == "current_conditions") break; if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) { if (xml.name() == "condition") { m_conditionItem->setPlainText(GET_DATA_ATTR); } if (xml.name() == "icon") { QString name = extractIcon(GET_DATA_ATTR); if (!name.isEmpty()) { delete m_iconItem; m_iconItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(name); m_scene.addItem(m_iconItem); m_iconItem->setParentItem(m_statusItem); } } if (xml.name() == "temp_c") { QString s = GET_DATA_ATTR + QChar(176); m_temperatureItem->setPlainText(s); } } } } // Parse and collect the forecast conditions if (xml.name() == "forecast_conditions") { QGraphicsTextItem *dayItem = 0; QGraphicsSvgItem *statusItem = 0; QString lowT, highT; while (!xml.atEnd()) { xml.readNext(); if (xml.name() == "forecast_conditions") { if (dayItem && statusItem && !lowT.isEmpty() && !highT.isEmpty()) { m_dayItems << dayItem; m_conditionItems << statusItem; QString txt = highT + '/' + lowT; QGraphicsTextItem* rangeItem; rangeItem = m_scene.addText(txt); rangeItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor); m_rangeItems << rangeItem; QGraphicsRectItem *box; box = m_scene.addRect(0, 0, 10, 10); box->setPen(Qt::NoPen); box->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); m_forecastItems << box; dayItem->setParentItem(box); statusItem->setParentItem(box); rangeItem->setParentItem(box); } else { delete dayItem; delete statusItem; } break; } if (xml.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) { if (xml.name() == "day_of_week") { QString s = GET_DATA_ATTR; dayItem = m_scene.addText(s.left(3)); dayItem->setDefaultTextColor(textColor); } if (xml.name() == "icon") { QString name = extractIcon(GET_DATA_ATTR); if (!name.isEmpty()) { statusItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(name); m_scene.addItem(statusItem); } } if (xml.name() == "low") lowT = toCelcius(GET_DATA_ATTR, unitSystem); if (xml.name() == "high") highT = toCelcius(GET_DATA_ATTR, unitSystem); } } } } } m_timeLine.stop(); layoutItems(); animate(0); m_timeLine.start(); } void layoutItems() { m_scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, width() - 1, height() - 1); m_view->centerOn(width() / 2, height() / 2); if (width() > height()) layoutItemsLandscape(); else layoutItemsPortrait(); } void layoutItemsLandscape() { m_statusItem->setRect(0, 0, width() / 2 - 1, height() - 1); if (!m_iconItem->boundingRect().isEmpty()) { qreal dim = qMin(width() * 0.6, height() * 0.8); qreal pad = (height() - dim) / 2; qreal sw = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().width(); qreal sh = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().height(); m_iconItem->setTransform(QTransform().scale(sw, sh)); m_iconItem->setPos(1, pad); } QFont textFont = font(); textFont.setPixelSize(static_cast<int>(height() * 0.1)); m_temperatureItem->setPos(2, 2); m_temperatureItem->setFont(textFont); qreal h = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().height(); m_conditionItem->setPos(10, height() - h); m_conditionItem->setFont(textFont); if (m_dayItems.count()) { qreal left = width() * 0.6; qreal h = height() / m_dayItems.count(); textFont.setPixelSize(static_cast<int>(h * 0.2)); qreal statusWidth = 0; qreal rangeWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_dayItems.count(); ++i) { m_dayItems[i]->setFont(textFont); m_rangeItems[i]->setFont(textFont); QRectF brect = m_dayItems[i]->boundingRect(); statusWidth = qMax(statusWidth, brect.width()); brect = m_rangeItems[i]->boundingRect(); rangeWidth = qMax(rangeWidth, brect.width()); } qreal space = width() - left - statusWidth - rangeWidth; qreal dim = qMin(h, space); qreal pad = statusWidth + (space - dim) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < m_dayItems.count(); ++i) { qreal base = h * i; m_forecastItems[i]->setPos(left, base); m_forecastItems[i]->setRect(0, 0, width() - left, h); QRectF brect = m_dayItems[i]->boundingRect(); qreal ofs = (h - brect.height()) / 2; m_dayItems[i]->setPos(0, ofs); brect = m_rangeItems[i]->boundingRect(); ofs = (h - brect.height()) / 2; m_rangeItems[i]->setPos(width() - rangeWidth - left, ofs); brect = m_conditionItems[i]->boundingRect(); ofs = (h - dim) / 2; m_conditionItems[i]->setPos(pad, ofs); if (brect.isEmpty()) continue; qreal sw = dim / brect.width(); qreal sh = dim / brect.height(); m_conditionItems[i]->setTransform(QTransform().scale(sw, sh)); } } } void layoutItemsPortrait() { m_statusItem->setRect(0, 0, width() - 1, height() * 0.7 - 1); if (!m_iconItem->boundingRect().isEmpty()) { qreal dim = qMin(width() * 0.8, height() * 0.4); qreal ofsy = (height() / 2 - dim) / 2; qreal ofsx = (width() - dim) / 3; qreal sw = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().width(); qreal sh = dim / m_iconItem->boundingRect().height(); m_iconItem->setTransform(QTransform().scale(sw, sh)); m_iconItem->setPos(ofsx, ofsy); } QFont textFont = font(); textFont.setPixelSize(static_cast<int>(width() * 0.1)); m_temperatureItem->setPos(2, 2); m_temperatureItem->setFont(textFont); qreal ch = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().height(); qreal cw = m_conditionItem->boundingRect().width(); m_conditionItem->setPos(width() - cw , height() / 2 - ch); m_conditionItem->setFont(textFont); if (m_dayItems.count()) { qreal top = height() * 0.5; qreal w = width() / m_dayItems.count(); textFont.setPixelSize(static_cast<int>(w * 0.2)); qreal statusHeight = 0; qreal rangeHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_dayItems.count(); ++i) { m_dayItems[i]->setFont(textFont); m_rangeItems[i]->setFont(textFont); QRectF brect = m_dayItems[i]->boundingRect(); statusHeight = qMax(statusHeight, brect.height()); brect = m_rangeItems[i]->boundingRect(); rangeHeight = qMax(rangeHeight, brect.height()); } qreal space = height() - top - statusHeight - rangeHeight; qreal dim = qMin(w, space); qreal boxh = statusHeight + rangeHeight + dim; qreal pad = (height() - top - boxh) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < m_dayItems.count(); ++i) { qreal base = w * i; m_forecastItems[i]->setPos(base, top); m_forecastItems[i]->setRect(0, 0, w, boxh); QRectF brect = m_dayItems[i]->boundingRect(); qreal ofs = (w - brect.width()) / 2; m_dayItems[i]->setPos(ofs, pad); brect = m_rangeItems[i]->boundingRect(); ofs = (w - brect.width()) / 2; m_rangeItems[i]->setPos(ofs, pad + statusHeight + dim); brect = m_conditionItems[i]->boundingRect(); ofs = (w - dim) / 2; m_conditionItems[i]->setPos(ofs, pad + statusHeight); if (brect.isEmpty()) continue; qreal sw = dim / brect.width(); qreal sh = dim / brect.height(); m_conditionItems[i]->setTransform(QTransform().scale(sw, sh)); } } } void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); layoutItems(); } }; #include "weatherinfo.moc" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); WeatherInfo w; #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) || defined(Q_OS_WINCE) || defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) || defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_6) w.showMaximized(); #else w.resize(520, 288); w.show(); #endif return app.exec(); }
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