This example shows how to write a simple calendar application using the QtMobility Organizer API.
Mobile devices allow people to lead an "always connected" lifestyle, which makes the ability to organize and schedule events and activities vitally important. A calendar application on a device can allow three different levels of organization:
This application is an example of the first type of application: it allows the user to specify some simple events with simple recurrence options, and to view those manually-specified events.
The application is designed to work on desktop and mobile platforms with minimal differences in code between the platforms. The interface consists of an Organizer backend selection widget, a "month view" table (which also includes the week number of every given week in the month), and some buttons which allow the user to add an event for the currently selected day.
The user may cycle to the next month by clicking on the "greyed-out days" in the last row of the table (which actually occur in the next month), and may cycle to the previous month by clicking on the "greyed-out days" in the first row of the table (which actually occur in the previous month).
The example is not intended to exercise the entire API. Instead, it is a simple example which illustrates some simple uses of the API. Only simple events may be added with this example, and no event-centric view is provided.
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